Khalia Campbell | Over Coming Our Fears and Doubts


Photo Credit: @JREIDPHOTO

Dance Mogul: What has been some of the hardships you have encountered while pursuing your dreams?

Khalia: I know what you’re probably thinking, here goes the “Colored Girl” card. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case for me growing up and perusing my dreams. Being of color was praised from the school I came from. Fear and caring what other people thought about me was my biggest issue. It stopped me from reaching my fullest potential because I was afraid people would mock or laugh or say I wasn’t good enough. Being fearful, I held back a lot and because I didn’t have an outlet to discover my movement quality because of the type of training I was given I highly doubted myself.


Photo Credit: Leo Davis

Dance Mogul: Despite those hardships, what motivates you to keep pursuing your dreams?

Khalia: When I finally overcame my hardships with the help of prayer and the support of my mentors, what really motivated me to keep going was my determination to fulfill my purpose, which is to inspire many and heal. There are so many hurt and disturbed people out in the world and I would love my gift of dance to be a healing aid. Some people say “I wanna be famous” or “Well known” all I want to be known for are the hearts I’ve touched through dance. I love uplifting people with my gift. The amount of joy I feel in my heart when the audience members say “you really touched me” or “you are inspiring” I know that I’m doing what I was called to do. Besides it all absolutely love to DANCE!


Photo Credit:

Dance Mogul: What advice do you have for the next generation of dancers?

Khalia: The advice I would give to the generation behind me would be, never settle. Don’t settle for just being good, be great. Always push yourself to the limit because you never know what you’re capable of if you do go for it. Hard work, determination, patience, and Perseverance will get you through. Also if there is someone that you look up to or you know has your best interest at heart talk to them and ask for help when needed. The dance world is brutal! Mentors got me through.


Photo Credit: @JREIDPHOTO

Dance Mogul: Is there anybody you would like to thank for helping you on your journey?

Khalia: There are quite a bit of people. Of course God, My Mom, and Grandma. As far as mentors it would be William Issac, Sarita Allen, Andrea Long-naidu, and Elizabeth Roxas. Without their love and support, it would have been unbearable. Maybe I’m exaggerating but you get the point lol. They pushed me to be the best that I can be and to never settle for being average.

” Special thanks to Paige Fraser.” – Dance Mogul

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