Dance Mogul: What inspired you to start dancing?
Falon J: I’ve always been an entertainer at heart, we used to have a greenhouse in our backyard and it was my studio where I’d learn choreo and music from my fav artists and perform (sing and dance) in front of my family all the time. Inspired by artists and actors: Michael & Janet Jackson, Lisa Bonet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Angela Bassett, etc. I was a majorette for my high school’s drill team but I never thought I could pursue a career in dance, that realization actually came later in life. But in my teens, I was always inspired by artists who knew how to dance and their dancers, like Britney Spears, Aaliyah, Missy Elliott, NSync…the list is long! Lol
Dance Mogul: How did you pursue training to develop your craft?
Falon J: I was studying modeling and acting for a short period until my acting coach advised me to take dance classes at Planet Funk Academy to become a well-rounded actress. The day I stepped inside that studio was the day I fell in love with dance for good and never looked back…mind you I was 23 years old! In this industry, ppl know what they want to do and start training as a child. There wasn’t a day that went by I wasn’t in class, I took the bus every day! I didn’t think about being a professional dancer at the time, I was just in love with the environment, the ppl, and the hunger to learn something new. I just wanted to dance and learn everything I could. I started there and graduated to company member.

Dance Mogul: What are you up to now in 2019?
Falon J: I just finished a Comcast National Commercial and performed for one of my favorite artists who is slowly becoming like family, Janelle Monae. We have some upcoming projects that I’m super excited about and also pushing my acting career to the forefront. I’ve also been with Sevyn Streeter for 5 years strong now…her family practically adopted me lol. I’m looking forward to transitioning and merging my success in dancing with a potential acting career as well! 2019 started off pretty high for me in that regard, so the future looks promising! Soon after, I will have my own production company and fragrance line, and can’t give too much away. You’ll see more soon from me.
Dance Mogul: How have your maintained progression throughout your career?
Falon J: It can be hard at times keeping your peace and staying focused when you go through a dry spell, what all performers experience in their career. I think I’m just obsessed with growth and most importantly with what I do. I stay excited and in gratitude with every accomplishment without feeling attached. I don’t take failure personally, only look at what I can learn from it, and putting God first, has done wonders for my career. On top of that, making sure I leave the best impressions on everyone I work with. Good energy spreads just as fast as bad energy in the entertainment industry. And also, knowing your brand.
Dance Mogul: What advice do you have for the next generation of dancers?
Falon J: Keep good people around you, know what your brand, know your history in any profession you enter. And keep working towards your goals when the motivation has passed. Save your money and invest in yourself. At first, you don’t succeed, fail over and over again until you get it right. Success is inevitable when you refuse to give up. Fear is only an illusion.

Dance Mogul: Where do you see dance and you asked in it in the next 5 years?
Falon J: Next five years I see myself giving back to the dance community, whether it’s teaching, motivational speaking, mentoring, fundraisers etc. The new generation is way more talented than I was in my prime, Dance is evolving, and I see it becoming as big as acting. We have tv shows and movie deals now, there’s teachers and dancers doing dance tours. I’m excited to see more of us on the big screen and having the dance alliance union evolve to protect our jobs and salaries on a greater scale. In 5years, dancers will have more deserving titles and salaries for sure, and more opportunities to expand and diversify.
Dance Mogul: Is there anyone you want to thank for helping you on your journey?
Falon J: So many, I have to start with God. I remember there was a stage in my life where I was homeless out here fighting for my dreams. But with the strength of God carrying me, I didn’t give up, and I am where I am today. Teroy Vance (My Grandfather), Laporsha Johnson (Sister), Tesia Truitt (PlanetFunk Teacher/Mentor), Chris Baterina (SoReal Founder), Phlex (Alan Kirk), Oththan Burnside, Eden Shabtai, Sevyn Streeter, Karen Streeter, Tricia Miranda, Andye Jameison, Jemel McWilliams, and just my family and friends I haven’t named, for always supporting me and keeping me grounded. Either you’ve trained me and/or believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. They made my journey worth every second. I appreciate them more than they could ever know.
Thank you for letting me share Anthony!