Briana Morrison: As a young girl my mother would have the channel that played music videos on a lot of the times at home. I would listen to the songs and dance around to them the entire day. Finally, my mom signed me up for dance class at the age of 6.
Dance Mogul: How did you pursue training to develop your craft?
Briana Morrison: Around 14 years old I got a little bit more serious into dance and wanted to learn the technical styles. So I started training under Denise Wall in Virginia Beach, this woman taught me everything I know. All the way from ballet, tap, hip hop, and jazz.
Dance Mogul: When was your big break?
Briana Morrison: I would say my big break was when I booked my first tour Melodrama with Lorde. This had always been a dream of mine so for this to actually be reality was insane to me. Each night we did the show I got the opportunity to improv a solo and genuinely be me on stage, and so to this day, it has been my favorite vision to have been a part of.
Dance Mogul: How have you maintained progression throughout your career?
Briana Morrison: In order to maintain my progression I’ve always tried to be as versatile as possible In all dance styles. Being in class every week is very important to me so I can progress and better my craft. Also always staying true and familiar to how my body likes to move naturally by going into the studio by myself and just dancing around.
Dance Mogul: What are you up to now in 2019?
Briana Morrison: This year has been so amazing and I’m beyond grateful for the opportunities and people that I’ve crossed paths with thus far. I am trying to take care of my body, continue to stay learning and diving deeper into this art that I love.
Dance Mogul: What advice do you have for the next generation of dancers?
Briana Morrison: Stay training, be patient with your journey cause that’s where the exciting part comes in. Don’t doubt yourself cause you’re unique and there’s no one in the world quite like you. Your going to hear so many no’s but that one yes was meant for you and is even more powerful than all the rejection.
Dance Mogul: Where do you see dance and you in it in the next 5 years?
Briana Morrison: I feel dance is already growing so much but hope people continue to see, acknowledge and respect dancers artistry and hard work they put into all things behind the scenes. Where I see myself amidst all of this in 5 years is taking on more life-changing experiences, still learning and growing but mainly just following what God has in store for me.
Dance Mogul: Is there anyone you would like to thank for helping you on your journey?
Briana Morrison: I would love to thank my dance teacher Denise wall for seeing something in me from the start when I myself couldn’t see it. My parents for making countless sacrifices for me so I could make my dream a reality. Also my amazing agents at bloc for continuously believing in my talent.
Thank you guys so much for thinking of me to do an interview, I appreciate it and am honored to have been a part of this!