We are often reminded we should learn our history and teach it to the youth. Well the question has come up in many circles well how far back should we go? Is yesterday history, a week ago, 10 years, 50 years? Should we go back before we were born? Is 5 mins ago history. If it’s one second ago and if it’s true does that make is history since it is in the past? This will be a topic for debate for many years to come. One thing we know for sure, in a world that is saturated with news every second if you blink you will miss it. ~Dance Mogul~


Dance Mogul Magazine was invited to be apart of a historic meeting held by the Zulu Nation. The Universal Zulu Nation is undergoing an internal restructure and is re-branding their vision and purpose. Counsel members spoke candidly to on lookers, briefing everyone on what will be expected of them. The changes come at a time when Hip Hop has been watered down and franchised out. Zulu Nation plans to strengthen its core and help it’s members understand the real meaning of real Hip Hop. They invited honorable speakers from all over the country to help drive home the point of mind, body and spirit. The meeting concluded with hip hop under going a face lift, that will include corporate structured collaborations and its own internal press.

Dance Mogul Magazine is pleased to announce we have been invited to be apart of Zulu Nation’s restructure. Counsel members made clear their intentions of wanting Dance Mogul Magazine to be apart of their New vision. The invitation comes at a time where we were able to show the God father of Hip Hop Mr. Afrika Bambaataa his featured article along with other Zulu Nation member’s articles in the Upcoming issue of Dance Mogul Magazine. Mr.Bambaataa smiled at his article and gave his personal words of approval for what Dance Mogul Magazine is doing. Ultimately expressing the need for more sterner collaborations. We were also able to show the Zulu Nation featured articles to other Counsel members, who also firmly expressed their passion about the restructure and including Dance Mogul Magazine.

We are proud to announce that Mr. Afrika Bambaataa and other counsel members have extended Dance Mogul Magazine the opportunity to be apart of the New Zulu Nation App that will be available in March 2013. Needless to say we are honored and humbled by this offer. The offer comes at a time when Zulu Nation is geared towards making sure we respect and prop up the women/queens of our society.


Inspiring Self Empowerment



Dance Mogul Magazine was asked to be a part of special meeting held by Zulu nation led by Afrika Bambaataa to announce their latest effort to help uplift the community. In addition to sharing their vision of how they plan on engaging the community in positive ways with arts and education they allowed Anthony Harris from Dance Mogul Magazine to talk about the role Dance Mogul Magazine plays in communities all over the world, noting that we share a similar vision, inspiring others. The Supreme World Council Members were very clear and on message about their efforts. They made a special announcement that Zulu King Slone would be heading up the Arts department. Zulu King Slone has over 30 years of experience as a Graffiti Artist and has served his community and communities all over the world consistently. Zulu King Slone believes that if you love something you should give it your best and he is certainly committed to helping young artist grow the best way he can. Zulu King Slone was recently given the life time achievement Award by Dance Mogul Magazine for his humanitarian effort to unite the world with art an culture. Slone is also the founder of the Wots Crew a dynamic group of Artist that have chapters all over the world. Dance Mogul magazine will bring you exclusive reports live from Zulu Nation in the future. Zulu Nations mission is to unite the world with love, peace and respect to all. Historic never been done, It’s an Honor to serve where the need it great.~DanceMogul~

Remember when you got your first bike what that felt like? Remember when your mother couldn’t afford to get you a bike and your friends had bikes? Master P remembers what that felt like. Do you measure success by facebook likes, name recognition, how many battles you won, how many work shops you doing, how many YouTube views you have? Am not judging I know what those kids felt like when they got those bikes especially if they moms couldn’t afford to buy them one. I like the work that Master P is doing, there is something inside that man and his son that is moving them to help others with what they have. I am going to make it my business to meet him and thank him for reminding me of what real success is.~DanceMogul~

Dance Mogul Magazine is proud to have introduced the Parents Partnered for Purpose segment to our youtube channel. Never before in the history of dance have the parents of kids that are currently dancing have a chance to let their voice be heard. This segment was created to serve as a source of encouragement to other parents and to help the kids see other parents on the front line for their kids to. Its been a great success we are proud to have introduced this to the Dance Community.

Moms I see you at all the dance workshops supporting your kids and it moves me so much to see you stand by your kids. My mother stood by me and continues to do so, so I can surely appreciate what your doing for your kids because I know what my moms supports has done for me.~DanceMogul~

Before you pick up a mic, a spray can, or step foot on the dance floor, this is what HIP HOP is really about.



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