Whoever decided May and June primetime for nuptials was a marketing genius—though a fair amount of credit is probably due to the brides who decided they just weren’t into the whole. “Today…
Tag: makeup
As dumb luck would have it, I stumbled into the hair equivalent of an e-cigarette entirely by accident. Tabloid in long-form, Anger details the scandals of Tinseltown’s very first stars (including Rudolph…
Marlyn Alarm is a singer from Miami, Fla., undergoing formal gender transition after living a full year living as a woman. But her struggle with identity is not a new one. “Today…
Hollywood Babylon, Kenneth Anger’s 1959 book about the film industry’s formative years, is so juicy it’s easy to forget that most of the stories in it are half-true, at best. Tabloid in…
Here’s a fun thing to do: Buy a whole basket full of drugstore mascaras, dump them on a table, and stare at them through a kaleidoscope. For one, the packaging is crazy—like an…
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