Month: February 2017

Chantal’ Ashantè Hill | Manifesting the Spiritual Ballerina

Dance Mogul: What inspired you to start dancing? Chantal’: Gods divine influence inspired me to start dancing. It’s my purpose. Dancing in spirit & in truth as a Spiritual Ballerina draws me…

Alysathestar | Becoming The Next JLo

Photos By: Erika G. Dance Mogul: What inspired you to start dancing? Alysathestar: Micheal Jackson inspired me to dance. When I was a baby he had just passed away and the tv…

Montana Efaw | Super Bowl LI Exclusive

Dance Mogul: What was is like to perform at the Super Bowl this year? Montana: It felt magical! Theoretically you can get hired as a dancer to do the Super Bowl with…

Meagan Nugent | Believing In Yourself

Photo Credit: Vince Trupsin (@MrVinny) Dance Mogul:  What inspired you to start dancing? Meagan: My Mother was my inspiration to start dancing. She was pregnant with me while she was a professional…

Ive Jones | Being Proud of Who You Are

Dance Mogul: What inspired you to start dancing? Ive: My mom always tells me she put me in dance when I was two because I had tons of energy and couldn’t stop…

Kebahb Glanville | Becoming Stronger By Inspiring Others

Dance Mogul: What inspired you to start dancing? Kebahb: I was inspired to dance at a very young age. The mere sound of music from TV commercials, videos, the radio or someone singing,…

Alexandria Kaye | Super Bowl LI Exclusive

Dance Mogul: What was it like to perform at the Super Bowl this year? Alexandria: Did that really just happen!? Performing at the Super Bowl was one of the most surreal exhilarating…

Sabina Lundgren | Super Bowl LI Exclusive

Photo By @Bemoremedia   Dance Mogul: What was it like to perform at the Super Bowl this year? Sabina: It was truly a beautiful experience. The Super Bowl is such an…

Dance Mogul Magazine featuring Destiny Wimpye

    Dance Mogul Magazine featuring Destiny Wimpye By Dance Mogul Magazine 60 pages, published 1/21/2017    Dear Readers: Join us as we celebrate Teen Dance Sensation, Destiny Wimpye, in this month’s…

Kristin McQuaid | Be a Trendsetter Not a Trend Follower

  Dance Mogul Magazine Exclusive…  Join us as we celebrate the ambitious and creative, Kristin McQuaid one of today’s hottest choreographers. For more than 15 years, she has wowed audiences as an…